These files are for use with Flashcard Maker 2.5 or later. Each file contains fill-in-the-blank questions about chemistry elements from the periodic table.
If you do not already have Flashcard Maker, see below.
This archive contains six Flashcard Maker files, they are:
Element from Atomic Number
Element from Symbol
Symbol from Element
Symbol from Atomic Number
Atomic Number from Element
Atomic Number from Symbol
Each file covers the first 100 elements, atomic numbers 1 though 100, elements Hydrogen though Fermium.
The following elements are not covered:
Mendelevium (Md 101)
Nobelium (No 102)
Lawrencium (Lr 103)
Rutherfordium (Rf 104)
And all higher elements...
These are ordinary Flashcard Maker files. You can edit them for your own use. You may give these files away for non-commercial use provided they are unaltered and this read-me file is preserved and included with all copies.
What is Flashcard Maker
Flashcard Maker is a great, easy to use interactive learning aid for your memory intensive courses. Study efficiency is what Flashcard Maker is all about. Flashcard Maker is great for any course that requires a lot of memorization: foreign language, math, science, history, chemistry, vocabulary....
In the course of gaining knowledge on any subject, one is often required to memorize and recall large amounts of data. For many years, educators and students have recognized the usefulness of study cards. The idea of Flashcard Maker is to streamline this system. You use the program to create your own study files of up to 100 flashcards in a file, on any subject you wish. The program will help you write the cards, answer them, memorize them and stimulate your thinking toward knowing the material.
To register, print the order form shown below and send it with your payment to the address printed on the form. Registration is $28.00.
When you register, you will receive the latest FULL VERSION of Flashcard Maker with a complete printed manual and example files.
** The full version has these additional features **
PRINTING - Print flashcards with and without answers
SHUFFLE - The option to study flashcards in shuffled order
CLUES - Gives you one letter at a time when you need it
FLIP - Quickly flip past cards you want to skip
System Requirements
Any Apple Macintosh with System 6.0.2 or later.
System 7 and Power Macintosh compatible.
Windows and DOS versions are also available.
We want to hear from you!
Please send any comments, suggestions or bug reports to: